

Hello! thank you for visiting my blog. Today I'm writing about What have I learned about myself after I come here . There are a lot of slight changes. So, I will write few of big changes about myself. 1. to be humble I was thinking that to be humble in a foreign countries is quite not good thing, but actually there was few differences between Japan and Australia. I found sometimes people need be humble, reason why is because not being humble could be seemed like I am arrogant or self-conceited or something. this is also not good to be in Australia either. And also to be humble is really good to look myself carefully and see how I am doing in a study or relation or friendship with everyone from every counties, in this way I find some clue to make it better progressed and also fix some problems. So, now I think "to be humble" must be the thing we always have to have in our mind .   2. to be polite This is most important

Travel to Cairns

Thank you for visiting my blog. Today in here, I'm going to talk about my trip to Cairns. I visited to Cairns for 4 days, so I will talk what did I do on each days. DAY 1 Before I arrived at Cairns, I had had a problem in the  airplane. The problem was that I had been forced to get off and change the plane after boarding on it. And I waited for 2 hours. Finally the plane  took off and arrived at Cairns in 4 hours late.  On this day, I didn't have enough time to visit anywhere else but city. So I went to the night market. To my sadness I didn't take any pictures of the place, so I can't show you. DAY 2 On this day, I woke up at the very early morning because I wanted to ride on Kuranda Railway. This Railway is available only 3 or 4 times on a day. And terminal is in the city. Anyway, the looks of the railway was awesome and also inside of the railway was also tiny and beautiful, I was so satisfied!!

Your "Bucket List"

Hello everyone ! Thank you for visiting my blog 😂 Today Im going to write about the 20 things that I want to do and eat or places that I want to visit during the time Im in Australia, but actually I have already done some of these things. Here I will start with the things that I want to do. Things that I want to do 1. Sky Diving This is one of the thing that I really want to experience in here! in my childhood, I have often watched lots of TV shows that broadcast Sky Diving, and I was inspired interesting. In here there are a lot of chances to do sky diving, so I just want to try it! 2. Snorkelling  I really love nature such as mountain and island include river, ocean. Australia has remarkably beautiful nature, so it's shame not to try snorkeling, I believe! 3. Backpacker I wan to do this because one of my friends told me the experiences, he said during the backpack he is totally free, not limited to decide what to do, he can do whatever he wants and he can do

Differences and Similarities

   In Brisbane, Ive been meeting a lot of many new things, each of them are sometimes interesting and also surprising. Today I'm going to write about similarity and difference Ive found in here.   The difference Ive noticed at first is that a lot of people who live here don't care about evaluation from others, which means they don't think others are criticizing or evaluating about them. In fact, some people care about others' evaluation but the rate people don't care about that is even higher than Japanese. For example, when I went to the south bank beach, I could see a lot of people who are tanning alone or kissing with girlfriend or boyfriend in front of people, moreover, they do that even in the middle of city. And also they don't take a picture often. I was so surprised about this because in Japan almost all people visited such a nice place take a lot of picture to show off their happiness or love with someone to the their friends. But in here they were ju